Roeipraet 2-2019
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“Dear Rowing, Thank You” Kim Gross
Bij toeval kwam ik op LinkedIn dit prachtige artikel tegen, geschreven door Kim Gross. Zij is Football and Rowing Academic Counselor aan de Kansas State University (VS) en blikt dankbaar terug op wat
haar roeiloopbaan haar heeft gebracht. Zij verwoordt de gevoelens die veel (oud-)wedstrijdroeiers zullen herkennen en die we onze jeugdroeiers van harte toewensen. Vandaar deze publicatie in de Roeipraet, door mij voorzien van een paar toepasselijke afbeeldingen. Robin Sterk “Dear Rowing, Thank You” - I never thought I would say that. Three and a half years ago I rowed my last race. I knew I would miss it when I was done, but I never thought I would be so thankful. Now that I’ve been out of the sport and in the “real world,” I’ve realized how much you prepared me for what I’m doing now. And here’s what I learned… You taught me what it truly means to be uncomfortable. Not just sort of uncomfor- table, but physically and emotionally in a zone that not many know. And not just being uncomfortable, but mentally knowing it was time to go to that place of sheer torture and choosing to do it. And guess what? I survived. Every. Single.Time. True, I probably will never have to go back to that place of physical pain, but you taught me that my capability goes way beyond where I tend to let myself go. You taught me that when my brain tells me “No, that will make you uncomfortable” or
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